Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Monkey Boy lives!

Another personal project that went, um, well...nowhere.  I've really got to make time to follow through on some of these show and book concepts.  I always get as far as the idea and the initial concepts, then I get excited about something else.  Oh and my  full time job gets in the way, too.  Any how, if I know that just one person likes this little monkey, then it will all have meaning!

Sunday, March 22, 2009

My Little Ponies! Yay!

I hope I can show these.  It's been a year since I worked as a third party freelancer on the new batch of My Little Ponies.  I don't think the company I worked for got the contract though, because I haven't seen anything pop up in the past year.  Oh well, that's the life of a freelancer!

Since you've all been so patient...

Since I've been so neglectful, here's a deluge of "cute and fuzzies" for you!  Aaah it's like a warm hug for the eyes.

Sorry...Been REALLY busy with work

I know it's a really lame excuse, but I should be preparing for my trip to China, and not blogging.  After all, I'm lucky to even have a job, right?  Hope silly bear cheers you up!